Deep Dish Comics is the brain child of the spiteful Torres siblings, Juan and Juleesa. After several years of arguing everything geek, exclusively amongst themselves, they decided to start a comic imprint, if only to serve as another platform for which they can seek the attention they crave so much. After not hearing back from Marvel or DC, they decided to self-publish. This also proved too difficult. It became clear; only the internet would serve as a suitable receptacle for their "art". Thus, Deep Dish Comics was born.
There are certain tenets we hold dear, and vow to uphold.
1. Comics should be free.
2. Comics that aren't free should be really, really cheap.
3. Chicago has the best pizza in the world.
4. It is important to consume pizza while writing, drawing, scanning, posting, printing, folding, stapling and delivering comics.
5. Consuming pizza while reading comics is not advisable, you may spill sauce on them. These things have value! They are going to put your kids through college!
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